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Your search for "*" yielded 121460 hits

The Multilevel Orders of Corruption

- Insights from a Post-Soviet Context This is a study on the multilevel orders of corruption. The project-administrating organisation is the Department of Sociology of Law, Lund University. The overall purpose of the project is to further contribute to the global and national efforts of understanding and counteracting corruption and its societal implications. The project challenges the conventiona - 2025-03-15

Hate and threats against journalists

consequences for freedom of speech and democracy A majority of the early scientific research on the internet had, rather uncritically, high hopes for the new technology’s potential to advance democratic development in society. Today we know that the internet also poses serious challenges to the democratic legal state. One such challenge are threats and hatred aimed at journalists. This occurs to s - 2025-03-15

Published Research

All publicationsIn Lund University Research Portal Lucris you can find dissertations, reports, and articles written by researchers at the Sociology of Law Department.Find all of our latest publications in the Lund University Research PortalOur book seriesThe Sociology of Law Department presents Lund Studies in Sociology of Law covering topics like cyber norms, sustainability, abused women, and liv - 2025-03-15

The role of Social Norms in Fighting Corruption in Local Governments

A Case Study of the School System of Cau Giay in Hanoi The overall aim of the project is to further contribute to the understanding of dynamics that underlie corruption, and the significance of local informal social norms, in relation to, international anti-corruption conventions and national law, when building counteraction strategies on a local level. The overall aim raises the following core pr - 2025-03-15

Student matters & support

Lund University is committed to providing a safe and fair study environment for all students in line with the University’s core values and student rights. Student rights may involve things such as student participation, students' work environment, how to conduct exams and degree projects and much more. Rights List of student rights (pdf, new tab) "The list of rights for students at Lund University - 2025-03-15

Contact us

Sociology of Law Department  The Sociology of Law Department's Staff DirectoryQuestions about the Master's programme and coursesProgramme AdministratorHelena EdbergVisiting hours: by appointmentTelephone: +46 72-531 45 74E-post: helena [dot] edberg [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] seHead of DepartmentAnna LundbergTelephone: +46 70-946 62 30E-mail: anna [dot] lundberg [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] seDirecto - 2025-03-15

Critical Perspectives on Criminal Justice and Social Control

Graduate Level (Second Cycle). Autumn Semester. RÄSN10, Critical Perspectives on Criminal Justice and SocialControl, 7.5 credits This is a master's level course, based on socio-legal and critical criminological perspectives on approaches to crime, criminal justice and social control. You will discuss theory and empirical knowledge within critical studies of crime, social control and criminal polic - 2025-03-15

lnternship in Sociology of Law (half semester)

Graduate Level (Second Cycle). Autumn Semester. RÄSN04, lnternship in Sociology of Law, 15 credits. This master's level course is only available as part of the Master's Programme in Sociology of Law (SASOL). Course content You spend 10 weeks in a for the course relevant organisation. During this time, you are continuously active in the activities of the organisation, work with qualified assignment - 2025-03-15

Law, Society and Corruption

Graduate Level (Second Cycle). Autumn Semester. RÄSN11, Law, Society and Corruption, 7.5 credits Corruption is an elusive concept that needs to be studied and understood from multi-disciplinary perspectives. The course will introduce you to global and interdisciplinary perspectives in the area of corruption and anti-corruption studies. Specifically by examining the emergence, explanation, survival - 2025-03-15

lnternship in Sociology of Law (full semester)

Graduate Level (Second Cycle). Autumn Semester. RÄSN03, lnternship in Sociology of Law, 30 credits. This master's level course is only available as part of the Master's Programme in Sociology of Law (SASOL). Course content You spend 20 weeks in a relevant organisation and are during this period continuously engaged in its activities, working with qualified tasks related to globalissues and conduct - 2025-03-15

PhD Handbook

Doctoral Studies at the Sociology of Law Department Table of contents What are PhD studies? - The role of the Faculty of Social Sciences - Entry requirements and admission PhD courses and thesis work - Doctoral seminars - Defence of the doctoral thesis - PhD courses Teaching as a PhD student - Higher education teacher training - How teaching affects your employment Terms of employment - Welcome gu - 2025-03-15

Stand-alone courses

Sociology of Law courses at all levels Bachelor levelSociology of Law: Introduction - online course (10 credits)Master levelCritical Perspectives on Criminal Justice and Social Control (7.5 credits)Law, Society and Corruption (7.5 credits)Artificial Intelligence: An Intersectional Perspective (7.5 credits) Not available in 2025 Introduction to Sociology of Law (15 credits) Contemporary Sociology o - 2025-03-15


Research Projects Ongoing socio-legal studies at the department. Contact Our Researchers Published Research Research produced by the Sociology of Law Department. Doctoral studies Opening doors to a creative research environment. Child Rights Institute A network-based organisation at Lund University focusing on child rights. - 2025-03-15


Mar 19: Research Seminar Yafa Shanneik presents "Governing Health, Family and Religion: The Biopolitics of Genetic Counselling and Religious Family Formations", 13:15-15:00, in room M331 and online. Shortcuts What is sociology of law? Associate Professor Måns Svensson explains. Master's Programme in Sociology of Law Stand-alone Courses Research Seminars Featuring local and international researcher - 2025-03-15

Law in action

- Policy and legal responses to the exploitation of migrant workers in the Nordic countries While the Nordic countries are well-known for the welfare systems, equality and good working conditions, migrant workers are at the same time exploited in these countries in sectors such as construction, service, logistic and transport, horticulture and agriculture. Beyond the similarities between these Nor - 2025-03-15

Responses to Labour Exploitation in Sweden

- Representations of Victims and Access to Justice The aim of the project is to understand how victims are represented when practitioners identify, categorize and respond to the exploitation of migrant workers and, by extension, the significance these representations have for the actual access to justice for victims of labor exploitation. The aim of the project is to understand how victims are rep - 2025-03-15

Student Counselling

Receive information about courses and their content or information about exams, or in which areas of the job market Sociology of Law is in demand. The master's programme and courses in English Helena Edberg Programme Administrator Available by appointment Phn. +46 46-222 36 62 E-post: helena [dot] edberg [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se (helena[dot]edberg[at]soclaw[dot]lu[dot]se) Contact the Programm - 2025-03-15

Experts for media enquiries

Information for journalists We can help you clarify and analyze the cause or functionality of laws, rules and norms. Contact the listed researchers concerning topics related to their expertise. You can also contact the Sociology of Law Department concerning topics not listed.For high-resolution photos of the department staff, contact theo [dot] hagman-rogowski [at] soclaw [dot] lu [dot] se. Courts - 2025-03-15